Sunday, June 27, 2010


I happened upon a brilliant exhibit at the MOMA today with my Uncle Ti. The Henri Cartier-Bresson photojournalism exhibit (ends tomorrow) was astounding, particularly for its historical images of China. I found it to be more fascinating that Bruce Nauman: Days - or maybe I just can't get modern art.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Random Thoughts

The start stop nature of my blogs is pretty pathetic.

I'm currently trying to run with 3 random blogs - 2 of which deal with running...the latest is the mentality and effort of my Sisyphean task of running the NYC Marathon in 4+ months from now, while the other is to just amuse myself with the SWAG i get.

Maybe I should just rename this blog and discuss random musings.

Musing of the Day - How much time do I waste every day on the internet? I guess there was a day where I would watch TV not Hulu, I'd read an enyclopedia instead of Wikipedia, and once there were video stores instead o f DVR.